RHP Housing (Richmond Housing Partnership)

No. Homes 11,000

CEO David Done

Website www.rhp.org.uk

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RHP Group has been named as the most innovative housing provider in the UK for three years in a row (Dolphin Innovation Index). RHP Group own and manage over 10,000 homes across London and are driven by their vision to be one of the best service providers in the UK and an inspiring place to work. RHP Group are really proud of their people - they're the secret to their success. RHP Group choose to invest in them in a range of ways, including innovative learning and development opportunities, offering a wide range of perks and providing a fun working environment. RHP Group culture has been recognised through a number of prestigious awards. In 2018 alone, we placed number 7 in the UK Great Place to Work list, came number 4 in the UK Great Place to Work list for Women and were awarded Investors in People Platinum – the highest accolade in leadership and people practices

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: Richmond Housing Partnership Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: L4279

  • Publication date: 1 December 2021

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V1

  • Regulatory route: Stability Check

Housing Ombudsman

Richmond Housing Partnership Limited (201909899)

The leaseholder has complained about: the landlord’s handling of major works related to the roof, the flooring in the communal area, and the proposed re-surfacing of the car park; and the costs of these works and its impact on the service charge;  the landlord’s handling of his request for audited accounts for the service charges from 2016 onwards. 

Richmond Housing Partnership Limited (202004009)

This complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of noise related ASB by her neighbour.

Richmond Housing Partnership Limited (202011270)

The complaint is regarding: The landlord’s handling of the resident’s anti-social behaviour reports (ASB). The landlord’s handling of the resident’s complaint.