Regenda Group

No. Homes 12,940

CEO Michael Birkett


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The Regenda Group is a forward thinking group of organisations, working together by regenerating places to create opportunities for people. The Regenda Group comprises: Regenda Homes, a G1/V1 accredited Registered Social Landlord with stock across the North West of England and Wales Redwing - an estate agent providing sales and rental agency services as well as leasehold and apartment block management M&Y Maintenance and Construction - specialising in construction of homes and maintenance services on behalf of social landlords and commercial businesses

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: Regenda Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: 4653

  • Publication date: 10 November 2021

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V1

  • Regulatory route: Stability Check

Housing Ombudsman

Regenda Limited (202101190)

The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s reports about her service charge account.

Regenda Limited (202005985)

The complaint is about: the landlord's handling of the resident's reports of debris in the garden. the landlord's handling of the staff conduct complaint and report of contractors not observing social distancing guidance whilst carrying out work within the property. the level of compensation offered by the landlord for a damaged coat. the landlord imposing a contact restriction on the resident. The landlord’s complaint handling.