Ocean Housing

No. Homes 4,689

CEO Mark Gardner

Website www.oceanhousing.com

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Ocean Housing is not-for-profit social housing association based in Cornwall, providing affordable homes for local residents to Rent or HomeBuy (shared ownership). Ocean has invested almost £200 million into the local economy, building new houses and improving existing homes for over 4,500 families. Ocean Housing provide a range of services for their residents, from training opportunities to leisure activities, helping them enjoy their homes and the communities they live in. Ocean Housing Independence Team aim to provide a service to people in their own homes to help them remain as independent as possible for as long as possible. Ocean Housing are looking forward to expanding further, increasing opportunities of homes and jobs in the county.

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: Ocean Housing Group Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: L4422

  • Publication date: 17 November 2021

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V2

  • Regulatory route: Stability Check

Housing Ombudsman

Ocean Housing Limited (202001833)

The complaint is about: the landlord’s handling of and response to the resident’s 2019 Right to Buy (RTB) application. Information provided by the landlord about the property in 2017 at the time of the resident’s first RTB application.

Ocean Housing Limited (202015720)

The complaint is regarding the landlord’s: Handling of repairs to the resident’s loft and chimney. Response to the resident’s concerns about the works it carried out, in relation to asbestos and building and safety regulation. Response to the resident’s concerns over damage caused to her personal belongings. Handling of the resident’s complaint and its complaint