Karbon Homes

No. Homes 28,308

CEO Paul Fiddaman

Website www.karbonhomes.co.uk

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Karbon Homes are all about (according to them) providing foundations. They build, manage and look after homes for people across the North. And then they go further, Karbon Homes give their residents the strong foundations they need to ‘crack on with life’. Since Karbon Homes formation in 2017, they’ve focused on delivering their three strategic aims - to provide as many good quality homes as they can, to deliver excellent service to their customers, and to shape strong, sustainable places for the communities. Karbon Homes footprint covers the North East of England and Yorkshire, with almost 30,000 homes across diverse communities, all facing different opportunities and challenges. Some customers just need an affordable home, or a way onto the property ladder. Others might need a bit more – financial advice, community services, sheltered accommodation or even training that can lead to a new job. Whatever people need to feel more secure, confident and happy with where they’re at, Karbon Homes work their ‘heart out to provide it’. Karbon Homes claim to always make the effort to understand their customers. They believe that everyone deserves respect. Everyone’s voices should be heard. And everyone deserves someone in their corner now and then. Karbon Homes believe that by focusing on our three strategic aims, combining a sound business head with a strong social heart and staying true to their values, they can build strong foundations for even more people.

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: Karbon Homes Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: 4846

  • Publication date: 29 June 2022

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V1

  • Regulatory route: In Depth Assessment

Housing Ombudsman

Karbon Homes Limited (201910780)

The tenant has complained: About the number of bins provided. About how the landlord responded to their concerns about the management of satellite dishes on the building. That the landlord has not replaced the patio doors. About the handling of the bathroom upgrade. About the landlord’s response to reports of damp under the floor. About the conduct and qualification of the landlord’s staff. About the handling of the resulting formal complaint, including general communication, timescales and correspondence with the tenant’s MP. This list of complaints was taken from the tenant’s letters and the landlord’s responses, and it was then confirmed with the tenant in an email from the Housing Ombudsman Service in May 2020.

Karbon Homes Limited (201906063)

The complaint is about the landlord’s: response to the resident's reports of noise transference handling of the associated complaint.

Karbon Homes Limited (202002192)

            REPORT   COMPLAINT 202002192 Karbon Homes Limited 29 January 2021 Our approach What we can and cannot consider is called the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction and is governed by the Housing Ombudsman […]

Karbon Homes Limited (202016566)

The resident complained about: The landlord’s handling of the kitchen replacement. The landlord’s handling of thier concerns about its Health & Safety and Covid guidance adherence. The landlord’s response to thier request for compensation.

Karbon Homes Limited (202110697)

REPORT COMPLAINT 202110697 Karbon Homes Limited 18 February 2022 Our approach The Housing Ombudsman’s approach to investigating and determining complaints is to decide what is fair in all the circumstances of the case. This is […]

Karbon Homes Limited (202118373)

The complaint concerns whether the lease provides right of access over the garden.

Karbon Homes Limited (202004608)

This complaint is about: The residents’ allegation their share in the property was mis-sold; The landlord’s response to the residents’ reports that build quality issues caused ongoing damp and mould at the property; The landlord’s complaint handling.

Karbon Homes Limited (202126682)

The residents complained about the landlord’s: offer of compensation in relation to its handling of a repair to the fence. response to their concerns about the conduct of a staff member.

Karbon Homes Limited (202115388)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of antisocial behaviour (ASB) and noise nuisance from his neighbours.