
No. Homes 29,854

CEO Nigel Wilson


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Gentoo are a housing association that provides more than 60,000 people in Sunderland with a place they can call home. Gentoo claim to be a values driven organisation, with a clear vision, a social purpose and a commitment to investing in people, place and property. They believe everyone has the right to live in a good quality home they can afford. Gentoo (according to their site) invest millions of pounds every year in keeping their existing homes safe, secure, and compliant. Gentoo are also playing their part in addressing the UK housing crisis locally, by building hundreds of new, modern and contemporary homes for rent in Sunderland - homes that meet the needs of local people. Not only do they provide vital housing, they also claim to support their tenants, residents and communities by investing in services that help people live their best possible life. This includes helping people into work, victims of domestic abuse and anti-social behaviour, young people to live independently, as well as a wellbeing service that supports the elderly tenants and residents. Gentoo are a Sunderland centric organisation and realise we can't do everything on their own. They value partnerships and work alongside key city partners, such as Sunderland AFC, Sunderland City Council, University of Sunderland and Sunderland College, to ensure a vibrant, dynamic and healthy Sunderland.

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: Gentoo Group Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: L4313

  • Publication date: 15 December 2021

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V2

  • Regulatory route: Stability Check

Housing Ombudsman

Gentoo Group Limited (202000538)

This complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s request to bring forward the installation of double glazing to her property.

Gentoo Group Limited (201813223)

The complaint is about the landlord’s request for the resident to carry out repair works to the property within two days, before she could move to a different property.

Gentoo Group Limited (202006624)

The complaint is about the landlord’s offer of compensation in relation to the resident’s reports of: a gas leak at the property; its failure to carry out repairs effectively; and contact by a particular member of staff after it had been agreed that they would not have any contact with the resident. The resident is supported in her complaint by her brother-in law. At times, both the resident and her brother-in-law have either met with or corresponded with the landlord. In the interests of clarity and brevity, both the complainant and her brother-in-law are referred to as the ‘the resident’ in this report.

Gentoo Group Limited (201817178)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s reports of anti-social behaviour (ASB) by her neighbours.

Gentoo Group Limited (202008584)

The complaint refers to: The landlord’s response to the resident’s reports of repairs needed to his radiators, flooring, and boiler. The resident’s concerns that the landlord has labelled him as ‘dangerous’.  The resident’s concerns related to the landlord’s use of his data and an alleged data protection breach.

Gentoo Group Limited (202008205)

The complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the works in the property above, including its decision not to install soundproofing.

Gentoo Group Limited (202013767)

The complaint is about: The landlord’s response to the resident’s concerns about a repairs visit to his property on 24 November 2020. Delays in the landlord’s complaint responses.

Gentoo Group Limited (202101116)

The complaint is regarding the landlord’s: Handling of the resident’s repairs reports. Response to the resident’s concerns over the price of her energy bills.

Gentoo Group Limited (202112841)

The complaint is about the landlord’s response to the resident’s: report that a leak under her kitchen had resulted in damage to her property and an unpleasant smell throughout her property; request to be transferred to a more suitable property.

Gentoo Sunderland Ltd (202108649)

The complaint is about the landlord’s management of asbestos at the resident’s property. the landlord’s handling of other disrepair issues including damp and floor repair.

Gentoo Sunderland Ltd (202108681)

REPORT COMPLAINT 202108681 Gentoo Sunderland Ltd 13 December 2021 Our approach What we can and cannot consider is called the Ombudsman’s jurisdiction and is governed by the Housing Ombudsman Scheme. The Ombudsman must determine whether […]

Gentoo Group Limited (202100778)

This complaint is about the landlord’s handling of the resident’s concerns about his district heating charge.