EMH Group

No. Homes 21,411

CEO Chan Kataria

Website www.emh.co.uk

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emh group is one of the largest providers of affordable homes and care and support services in the East Midlands. They have around 19,000 homes in more than 40 local authority areas across the region, and they also provide care and support to hundreds more customers. Their group includes: emh homes which provides 18,000 affordable homes for rent and ownership across the region, emh care and support which provides care and support services to a wide range of customers, from people with disabilities to victims of domestic abuse, Midlands Rural Housing which is a specialist rural housing services and expertise, Hello homes a specialist home sales agency, and emh Sharpes which is their garden maintenance and landscaping social enterprise company.

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: East Midlands Housing Group Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: L4530

  • Publication date: 30 March 2022

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V1

  • Regulatory route: In Depth Assessment

Housing Ombudsman

East Midlands Housing Group Limited (201913963)

The complaint is about the landlord’s: Handling of repairs to the soffit and fascia boards, guttering and alteration work to the property’s car port roof. Handling of complaints raised about behaviour of contractors when attending repairs. Delay in holding the stage two complaint panel hearing.

East Midlands Housing Group Limited (202001018)

The resident complains about the landlord’s response to his reports of damp and mould in the property.

East Midlands Housing Group Limited (202007482)

The complaint is about the landlord’s response to: The resident’s concerns regarding the level of service charges. The administration of the service charge account and its communication.

East Midlands Housing Group Limited (202110368)

This complaint is about: The landlord’s handling of deficient insulation around the property’s extension; The landlord’s handling of upgrades and repairs to the property’s central heating; The landlord’s complaint handling.