“It's Good to Talk” - The Power of Mediation
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

“It's Good to Talk” - The Power of Mediation

The challenges of resident satisfaction and effective communication can sometimes lead to strained relationships and escalating conflicts. Yet, amidst the complexities of managing properties, it's worth revisiting an age-old adage: "It's good to talk.”

This simple phrase encapsulates the essential role that communication and mediation play in resolving disputes and rebuilding trust within the housing sector.

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Your Stock, Our Homes. The Power of Empathy…
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

Your Stock, Our Homes. The Power of Empathy…

Discover the power of empathy and how it can rebuild trust, enhance resident satisfaction, and elevate your housing association's reputation. The significance of empathy and understanding cannot be overstated. It is essential for housing providers to recognise the emotive nature of issues that affect people's homes, families, and overall quality of life. In this blog, we shed light on the pressing need for empathy within the housing sector and the profound impact it can have on residents.

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Data - The Big Risk?
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

Data - The Big Risk?

In the digital age, data has become the lifeblood of organisations, enabling personalised services and enhanced customer experiences. However, with this great reliance on data comes the inherent risk of data breaches and compromise of sensitive information. Housing associations, responsible for providing safe and secure homes, are not immune to this threat. Recent incidents have raised critical questions about the impact, prevention measures, and risks faced by both providers and residents.

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Risk of Merging
Ben Jenkins Ben Jenkins

Risk of Merging

In recent years, we have seen a trend of UK housing associations merging to form larger providers. While the aim of these mergers is often to improve efficiency, increase resources, and deliver better services to tenants, there are also significant pitfalls to consider.

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The Messiah Complex, and the Missionary Position.

The Messiah Complex, and the Missionary Position.

Does the housing sector have a ‘messiah complex’? Shared owner, Ben Jenkins, explains why he’s fed up with the missionary position…

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