Parallel Journeys, Different Destinations
Since 2016, I, as a resident, have embarked on an arduous battle with my housing provider. Our shared mission has always been to support residents and ensure safe homes, yet it has become increasingly evident that we are heading towards divergent destinations. In this article, I’ll delve into the disconcerting revelations from the Housing Ombudsman's report, highlighting the traits that hinder my provider from attaining the esteemed title of a "simply brilliant landlord."
I’ll shed light on my personal initiatives (the creation of two websites) in an effort to lend a voice to fellow residents who have been silenced by their housing providers. It has become apparent that while my actions speak louder than their words, as we explore the transformative journey and invaluable lessons I have acquired along the way.
Risk of Merging
In recent years, we have seen a trend of UK housing associations merging to form larger providers. While the aim of these mergers is often to improve efficiency, increase resources, and deliver better services to tenants, there are also significant pitfalls to consider.
The Messiah Complex, and the Missionary Position.
Does the housing sector have a ‘messiah complex’? Shared owner, Ben Jenkins, explains why he’s fed up with the missionary position…