Acis Group

Number of Homes 7,694

CEO Greg Bacon

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Acis are a housing charity going beyond the bricks and mortar to create opportunities for people to lead better lives. Serving communities across the East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, they also support people to pick up new skills and qualifications and provide a home adaptations service to help people to enhance their independence.

As published on their webiste:

  • Overall customer satisfaction is 84%.

  • 93% of our customers say our homes and services provide good value for money.

  • 86% of our customers are satisfied with the quality of their home.

  • 84% of our customers are satisfied with their neighbourhood as a place to live.

  • 77% of our customers are satisfied with our repairs service.

  • Almost 98% of our customers sustain their tenancy for over 12 months.

  • Every single one of our homes is officially Gas Safe.

  • We developed 182 much-needed homes in our communities, including 89 for rent, 52 for shared ownership and 42 for sale.

  • We supported customers to reduce rent arrears by £60,000

  • We secured £9m in funding for projects to help local communities

  • Our work generated more than £2.91m in social value to our communities.

RSH Strapline judgement

  • Provider: Acis Group Limited

  • Name or Reg Code change details: None

  • Regulatory code: L4229

  • Publication date: 27 October 2021

  • Governance grade: G1

  • Viability grade: V2

  • Regulatory route: Stability Check

Housing Ombudsmen

Acis Group Limited (202108528)

The complaint is about: The landlord’s administration of the resident’s service charge, including its decision to change the service charge invoicing date. The standard of services provided in respect of which a service charge is levied. An increase in the cost of the resident’s service charge. The landlord’s handling of communal repairs. The landlord’s complaints handling.